Monday, October 16, 2006

I KNOW I am TOOOOO wack (wack to the back as my 20 y/o would say) for taking so long to update this Blog. But, stay with me. are coming soon.

Guess what? I did get SISTERLOCKED! My babies are 4 weeks and 1 day old. I LOVE MY HAIR. It was kind of traumatic due to the fact that my "processed" hair was entirely matted and tangled after having worn Kinky Twists for close to 4 months before getting locked. When I washed my hair...maaaaannnn, it was terrible. One big matted rope right across my head. My Loctician SYMONE HULEY had to cut and untangle that mess. I lot of my hair was RIPPPED right out of my head in trying to untangle it. I cried.

BUT, the end result is what I am most pleased about. My SLs are coming along and I get many compliments.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Ama, that is awesome!!! I can't wait to see your pictures. Oh by the way I am still enjoying getting information about my name from the websites you sent me. Thanks.

"Girl Born on Tuesday"